Never Again! oh, and happy Thanksgiving

Yesterday was miserable weather here. Rain to sleet to snow and back again, all day.  Little Incredibly Dumb Dog ran to the couch after her 7am walk and did this.

Apparently taking her outside for 5 minutes in cold rain was cruel and unusual punishment.

Apparently taking her outside for 5 minutes in cold rain was cruel and unusual punishment.

I took the girl to school, came home, woke Nerd Child–because he’s home, yay!!!–went to two grocery stores, began prep work for Thanksgiving dinner, and prepped, and cooked, and prepped.  Nope, not going to do this anymore.  Next year, we are going out to eat.  My spine has handed in her official resignation letter, she refuses to support me in the chopping, lifting, mixing, and standing required for Thanksgiving dinner anymore.

Of course, I mentioned this to Fatigue on the phone last night, and his response was he’s heard me say this before.  Oh.  Well, this time I mean it.  Really.  And I did get Husband, Nerd Child, and Art Child to help me with some of the snipping and chopping, loading and unloading of the dishwasher, washing pots.  Of course being an idiot, I didn’t ask for help until my back was already screaming.  Man Child stayed up at school this year, he’s busy and working.  I missed him yesterday, and I’ll miss him more when we sit down to dinner, but he’s living his life, enjoying all the man child stuff I’m happy he can experience.

With fewer people at the table, I thought I’d share dinner with you, Fringelings.


Trying a different stuffing this year

Trying a different stuffing this year

Cornbread based. One day I'll figure out how to cook stuffing for fewer than 20 people.

Cornbread based. One day I’ll figure out how to cook stuffing for fewer than 20 people.

I skipped the yams entirely.  Went with an old favorite of mashed gold potatoes and parsnips.

I like to pretend the parsnips make this a healthier choice.

I like to pretend the parsnips make this a healthier choice.

Of course, the very first dish completed yesterday was dessert.  Another old favorite, pumpkin marble cheesecake.  I didn’t have it in me to drag the mixer out of the closet–it’s heavy!  As it turns out, my cooling racks are nowhere to be found.  You know those boxes you stick away when you move to a new place, with the intention of getting to them when you have time? I hope they’re in there.  They have to be in there. I’ll find them eventually.

Gingersnap pecan crust

Gingersnap pecan crust

Turns out I can't beat things by hand as smooth as I used to. Oops.

Turns out I can’t beat things by hand as smooth as I used to. Oops.

Want a slice?

Want a slice?

Today I’ll do the rest. Nerd Child was kind enough to prep the Swiss chard for me.  Ready, clean and waiting in bags.

Pretty, isn't it.

Pretty, isn’t it.

When I gave up yesterday and sat down at the laptop with a glass of Bailey’s, I looked over at the couch:

Seriously. All day.

Seriously. All day.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

And of course, because it’s obligatory:




  1. Happy Thanksgiving, mrs fringe. Your food looks really good and now I’m thinking, Oh man, we have to wait until SATURDAY. . .

    Your little dog looks like he had a nice, relaxing day yesterday. Unlike his owner, huh? So you overdid it, swear you’ll never ever do that again?

    I shan’t hold you to it, mrs fringe. But if it happens, that’s okay. The where doesn’t matter. It’s the who. May you enjoy your day with family, both there and not.

    Thinking of you, mrs fringe.

    xoxo kk


  2. Smart dog. And thanks for the Arlo. What would Thanksgiving be without him. Unfortunately our memories of the bad go away. So you’ll be doing Thanksgiving dinner again next year. Unless you reread this post. Then maybe, just maybe. But assuming you go out. Remember that is why Chinese restaurants have two Black Fridays. Thanksgiving and Christmas are their busiest days.


  3. I LOVE Alice’s Restaurant, and realized partway through the afternoon I hadn’t listened to it yet. I listened to the 23 minute one, though.

    Poor little Dumb Dog, Elka can still sympathize. When she has to go out in the rain, she looks at me as though she’s being abused. She loves snow, though, go figure.


    1. A woman after my own heart ❤

      Hah! Lots of dogs love the snow, but not this little one, she shivers and quivers and claws her way up my leg like a cat.

      Happy Thanksgiving, Jen ❤
      you can get anything you want….


      1. We once, on the way to Connecticut for Thanksgiving, listened to the entirety of Alice’s Restaurant on the radio in the time it took to crawl across the Tappan Zee Bridge.

        Happy Thanksgiving to you too! ❤


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