Freshly Pressed

How Do You Measure A Year?

I knew it was coming, knew it was coming, and now, WHAM! My blogoversary has snuck up on me.  Yup, today is one year since the “birth” of Mrs Fringe.

I’m in the midst of a dental emergency, and whatever they gave me at the dentist this morning is wearing off, so I’m going to keep this short.  Also without all of the links I had intended to post.  Just go ahead and check out my blog roll.  Really.  Every single blogger on my roll is someone whose words I read, someone I respect, someone with something to say, through words or images, that touches my heart.

English: Toothache 13th century corbel head on...

English: Toothache 13th century corbel head on St.Andrew’s chancel arch suffering with toothache for around 750 years whilst his friend opposite grins unsympathetically (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I began Mrs Fringe in the hopes of giving myself a safe place to navel gaze, vent, be honest, and get my writing synapses connecting again.  It has fulfilled every one of these hopes and much, much more.  I didn’t know if anyone would be interested in reading what I had to say, and that was ok.  Did I hope my ramblings would reach a few people?  Of course I did.  Hell, I fantasized about one of those sensational “hit it” blogs that result in legions of followers and a book deal.  I also fantasize about winning the lottery.  But I don’t buy lottery tickets, I blog.  So here we are, one year later.  No legions, no book deal, but the reality is that I have more followers, made more friends, had more great conversations, met more interesting people than I ever thought could/would really happen.

I also completed a manuscript, Wanna Bees–that I’m now querying–and have begun another one.  I submitted a few short stories, wrote a few more.

Mrs Fringe may not be an overnight sensation, but for me, it is a rip roaring success.  Because of you, my readers, my Fringelings,  who have stopped to check out a post and stayed to become a member of Fringeland.  In my opinion, a blog is only as good as its community, and we’ve built a hell of a little community here together.  Thank you, for visiting, for following, for joining in the conversation whether you agree with my opinion or not.  All are respected, all have been respectful, and all are welcome.

I feel honored and humbled by each and every “follow,” each and every person who takes the time to comment. Very few of the people who have become a part of Mrs Fringe are people I know “in real life.”  Hell, even among those few, most are people I’ve met online, through blogging, special needs moms communities, or writing.

In this year, I’ve written 177 posts

Gathered 234 followers

Received 3, 386 comments

Had 11, 675 views

from 91 countries

Been asked to guest blog by people who stumbled upon my blog.

Been Freshly Pressed once

Gotten more joy, support, laughs, tears, and warm fuzzies than I thought possible.

Remembered what it is to be a person, an individual, a woman thinking about the world with something to say.

Last August, one of my posts was chosen for Freshly Pressed.  It was two days after I posted, and I had no clue why I suddenly had all these comments waiting for me.  A new blogger, I had no clue what Freshly Pressed was.  I don’t consider it one of my “best” posts, but being recognized among the WordPress community was, in an overused and abused word, awesome.  I like to think that one day, with more posts under my keyboard and a greater understanding of what I’m doing here, it will happen again.

Confession.  I am a bad blogger.  Good bloggers have a posting schedule and stick to it.  I don’t.  Good bloggers show their readers they care about and respect them by paying for upgrades.  I do care about and respect you, but I haven’t paid for upgrades.  sorry. It’s a budgeting thing.  Good bloggers have one very specific focus, so viewers/readers/followers know right away what type of blog it is, and what they’ll be reading about each time.  Oops. Good bloggers don’t use expletives to get their point across, and certainly never in their titles.  Shit.

Have I said thank you clearly enough?  Muchas gracias.

And now, I’m going to see if I’ve got any pennies left in my bag after today’s shakedown at the dentist.  Maybe someone still sells this.

English: "Cocaine toothache drops", ...

English: “Cocaine toothache drops”, 1885 advertisement of cocaine for dental pain in children. United States. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


OMG OMG!!! Thank you, WordPress

The Surprised Onion Man

The Surprised Onion Man (Photo credit: smithco)

This is a new blog, and I am a new blogger.  Imagine my shock when I came home this evening to find I had an explosion of hits.  First, I checked to see if something had gone awry with the spam filter. Nope.  I approved and answered the pending comments, and then followed the trail on the stats page to find Going to Hell With Gasoline Drawers On had been chosen for today’s Freshly Pressed.  Thank you WordPress, and thank you to all who took the time to follow the trail and check out Mrs Fringe.  I hope you enjoyed, and hope you’ll come back.

Going To Hell with Gasoline Drawers On

Night Fires 3

Night Fires 3 (Photo credit: Jean-Michel Reed)

In keeping with my summer of death theme, I left my building yesterday morning to find a cluster of neighbors talking.  A neighbor had died in his apartment, estimated three days earlier, and was found yesterday morning when others on his floor complained about the smell.

This was another fringe character, though not a friend.  If not for the “low” rent apartment, I’m guessing he would have been homeless.  This is purely conjecture, for all I know he had three million dollars in the bank. I don’t know his story, maybe he was a veteran, maybe he was sick, maybe he had been deserted by a cheating wife and ingrate children.  He was a hard and serious drinker, who could be spotted regularly parked in one of three neighborhood restaurants, drinking for hours until his cash ran out or the manager of the restaurant got enough complaints from other customers.

Naturally, as I walked Big Senile Dog and Little Incredibly Dumb Dog, I was thinking about all of this. Now I may not be happy here in New York, may not want to live here anymore, but I am a New Yorker.  Therefore, after tallying how many people I know who have died this summer, I had the traditional New York mourning thought.

Apartment for Rent on E 61st St, NYC

Apartment for Rent on E 61st St, NYC (Photo credit: cathleenritt)

Really, it isn’t just something made up for a Seinfeld episode.  Combing obituaries is a time honored way to find a rent controlled apartment. Much trickier than it used to be, as rent control laws have changed, but still valid.

I brought the dogs back and immediately stopped one of the workers in my building to ask him what size apartment the man had lived in. He laughed at me and told me I’m going to Hell with gasoline drawers on.  I had never heard that saying before, but it’s now my new favorite.

And if you’re wondering, no.  This didn’t turn out to be an opportunity for me and mine.  His apartment is the same size as ours.


Seinfeld (Photo credit: T Hoffarth)


the rent is too damn high

the rent is too damn high (Photo credit: CathrynDC)