One Egg Family: aka, Hold On

Holding hands: Congo Gorilla Forest, Bronx Zoo

Not sure if I’ve mentioned this and I’m too lazy to read back, but I’ve been without gas (which = no stove or oven) for a couple of months now. Gas leak was discovered in the building, so it’s nothing personal, the entire building’s gas was shut down, no end in sight. Others I know or have heard of where this has happened, it’s taken anywhere from 8-13 months to get it repaired. With coronavirus in the mix, who knows? I figure I’ll be lucky if I can bake and roast in time for Christmas of ’22.

A friend saw me tweet about this when I figured out how to cook something (can’t remember what) in the slow cooker and sent me an electric skillet. How lovely, right? For all we’re drowning in right now, there have been some wonderful moments of friendship, community, and support.

I was happy to make eggs for breakfast the next day, we’d missed them. After everyone ate, I told them I hoped they enjoyed, because for the foreseeable future, we’re now a one egg family.

I’m not an epidemiologist, not an economist, not a historian. But I’ve lived through some shit, and this is unlike any other. For all the politics and discussion, it seems to me many aren’t understanding the extent of the toll this Covid-19 pandemic is having on our world–and will have, for a long time to come. This isn’t producing a short glitch in the economy that can be rectified by a stimulus package. Hell, half of our elected representatives are still arguing about whether or not all workers deserve to get enough money to eat. Or, yanno, children. The magnanimous bill passed, with $1200 to be given to each adult? A one shot deal, we’re being told some shouldn’t expect to even see that money until September. Sure, I’m sure everyone can wait to buy food, medications, pay rent, electric, gas, water, until September. And they only need to pay those things once, absolutely. And oops, that $1200 “gift?” Maybe not a gift. Maybe an advance on 2020’s tax credit/refund. (Don’t @ me here, as far as I can tell, this is yet to be made clear or official one way or the other.) Besides the obvious ramifications on everyone’s health and societal interactions, we’re looking at hard times ahead. Unemployment, rising at a shocking rate, is expected to reach levels we haven’t seen since the Great Depression. 

I’m still seeing a lot of people complaining about not being able to go out to eat at their favorite restaurants. Again, I’m no financial analyst, but unless you’re in the highest of economic brackets, that may soon be the least of your problems. This video, from two weeks ago, shows lines outside of a food pantry. Reminiscent of the old photos of bread lines circa 1929, no?  There’s a rising number of people who can’t afford to go grocery shopping, and then there are disruptions in the food supply chain, expected to increase. Do I think we all need to panic? No, and it won’t help if we do.

We don’t all have to choose deprivation and starvation diets. If nothing else that would cause lowered resistance if we get sick. but it is time to choose with an eye towards frugality and stretching. Two eggs per person, for breakfast, is a lot of eggs gone–and in the scheme of breakfast foods, expensive. Two eggs plus flour and small amounts of other stuff (I recommend buttermilk if you can get it, lasts longer than regular milk, tastes great in pancakes, adds some richness) and you’ve got a big batch of pancakes.

We don’t know all of the ramifications of Covid-19 yet, not how many will die, how many will have died because of the vanity and lack of compassion of a reality tv president, not how high the unemployment rates will rise, not how many will become homeless, not how many will become newly food insecure, not how our society will permanently change, not how long we’ll be under stay-at-home-regulations, not how much longer we’ll have to be under those regulations because of certain pseudo-news organizations’ disinformation and certain governors pretending the US doesn’t stand for the United States, and therefore are refusing to put real stay at home regulations in place (because viruses are partisan, checking to see if you’re a registered Dem or Republican before cozying up in your lungs. Mmmm hmmm). We won’t for a long time. But we know much is uncertain.

There’s an expression from when I was in kid in the old country of pre-hip South Brooklyn: Mr J is so cheap he’ll squeeze a nickel until the buffalo shits. (yes, young ones, there used to be buffalos on nickels). I hope I’m being an alarmist here, and we’ll get all of this under control well before it gets as bad as I’m imagining. Either way it’s time to hold on. And just in case, have a one egg sandwich while you squeeze that nickel.


  1. I think we have 4 eggs left in the carton. Two of us, so that might give us two breakfasts, or maybe 4 if we make pancakes or waffles, but our milk is running out (no buttermilk here), a little almond milk left in that carton. I think there’s one evap. milk can in the cupboard. . .

    Two of us, like I said. I consider us lucky. We can still pay our bills. We could go to the store if we absolutely had to. We found some rubber gloves and my husband found two actual masks in the garage. We don’t have little kids to worry about. My mom, yes. But my sibs are helping there. . .

    I don’t know what the future holds either, Mrs. Fringe. The uncertainty of it all, coupled with the immediacy of this awful virus and the human toll it’s taking, makes for sleepless nights and hopeless days.

    But we have each other. In these treacherous and tumultuous waters, that’s something to hold onto. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I figure making food stretch now to extend time btw needed store trips is good practice for when we need to make food stretch because getting more is uncertain. If that sounds crazy, look at the numbers for people living with food insecurity here in the US 6 weeks ago, and now add at least half of those who are and are about to be unemployed. Sigh.
      Sleepless nights and hopeless days, indeed.
      For now, ❤ ❤


  2. I’ve changed my own behavior–where I used to dislike waste, now I don’t want to waste anything. My mother was born in 1930, so she’s often spoken of growing up through the Depression. My mother-in-law as well (who carries her frugal habits with her). I can’t imagine what the future looks like, but it’s not going to be easy. (Understatement.) What gives me hope are the acts of kindness, the food pantries and volunteers out helping. Often it’s those with the least who give the most.

    Bill Withers’ Lean On Me is taking on more poignance.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, re heightened awareness of waste and acts of kindness, often from those who have the least.
      I mean, I don’t see me boiling tea bags and onion skins to dye dingy linens ecru, but we are sewing masks, so…
      Nope, not going to be easy at all, that’s the only certainty there is.


    1. I’m glad you enjoyed, TT! Hmm, it shouldn’t be tiny print, I’ll see if I can play with that–I’m one who always magnifies everything, so I thank you for letting me know ❤


    1. I think for a lot of us, especially here in the US, it’s time to reevaluate. Maybe we thought we had been minimizing waste but taking stock now, we can tighten further.


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