
Ready for a walk?

Ready for a walk?

My plan was to write.  But it was beautiful outside, a perfect spring day.  So instead of working on the short story, I took a walk through the park and thought about writing, instead.  Sometimes this makes everything click into place, gives me a title and clear direction.  Not this time, but it was still beautiful.

I walked south, and ended up by the turtle pond.

When headed out of the park, I realized it was cat day.  Who knew? I’m kidding, as far as I know there’s no such thing, but I did see a few people walking cats.

This owner was trying to walk, but the cat was not interested in doing anything other than rolling on the ground, enjoying a dust bath.  Sadly, she wasn’t much more interested in posing for a picture, but wow, what a beautiful animal.

Some special breed, I didn't catch what.

Some special breed, I didn’t catch what.

I think the word leopard is in there.

I think the word leopard is in there.

And then at the exit, I saw this. He was eyeing a lively collection of pigeons and morning doves, then turned his attention to one of the old gated tunnels.  I think equipment is stored in there, along with many plump rats.  At first I thought oh, poor kitty is lost, he’s going to get eaten by a raccoon if he doesn’t find his way home soon.  Then I wondered if he was, in fact, a strangely colored raccoon.

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And this concludes today’s pictorial on the floral and fauna of Central Park.  Have a good Sunday, Fringelings!


  1. wow fantastic pictures. Only in NY would you be walking a leopard (and no one would blink) So grateful for sunshine. The first person that complains about the heat is gonna get beat by me! Thanks for taking me on a lovely walk!


    1. Thank you! When I posted I was thinking how nice it would be for us to walk through together ❤

      And I agree, beatings for anyone who complains about summer, we haven't even gotten 2 back to back days of nice weather yet–and it's MAY!


  2. It seems you live close to the park, do you? What a beautiful park it is Mrs. F. Thanks for taking me along on your walk. That leopard coloured cat is beautiful!
    Diana xo


    1. Thank You, Diana 🙂

      Central Park is huge, so East side or West side, if you’re between 59th street and 110th street, you’re close to the park. 🙂


  3. I think I’m always so busy looking up, or into the distance, when I’m in CP, I don’t bother to see what’s around my feet. I LOVE the turtle photos. Oh, and I see you did manage to take back your weather and return ours, thankyouverymuch. Brrr :-[


    1. 😀 That’s the great part of Central Park, so much to see, no matter which direction you look, and you can come back again and again–no admission charge–to find a different spot each time. 🙂

      Unfortunately, I fail as a weather thief. It was pouring by last night, cool and gray today. 😉


  4. Lovely photos! Brought back memories of a turtle pond I used to visit in the Okanagan (British Columbia) The turtles would bask themselves on logs while ducks swam around waiting for us to throw them park-supplied bread. The most fun, though, was watching the ducks kick away the large fish that swam up to suck in the bread bits before the ducks got to them.


  5. Well, you can’t write all the time. It’s nice to have some decompression like that!

    Sounds (and looks) like a Bengal to me. Bengals are a cross of a domestic cat with a Asian Leopard Cat. I’m a bit surprised he was on a collar and not a harness….that would make me super nervous about his safety! (though I’m a paranoid nut when it comes to that)

    I envy your beautiful day! It was oppressive and rainy up here…still. It’s a bit sunny today, but WINDY and not warm enough.


    1. 🙂 I know nothing about walking cats–other than the fact that it’s a nuisance when I’m dog walking 😉

      It was a beautiful day, but by today, gray and windy just had some rain.


  6. When I spend the whole day at home I usually end it with taking a walk in the neighborhood. It’s a way of unwinding after spending hours on the computer.

    I try to go further every time and my, have I seen some beautiful sights. I should also start bringing a camera along.

    Am yet to see turtles though. 🙂


    1. I agree, walking is a great way to unwind. 🙂

      Bringing the camera is a newer feature for me, and I’ve noticed it makes me look at what’s around me in a different way–even if it isn’t with me.

      I’ve heard many of those turtles in the park are actually pets that people changed their minds about. 😉

      Welcome to Mrs Fringe, Lyrical Treasure–thanks for stopping in to comment, I hope you’ll come again!


  7. You are so lucky. Those are gorgeous pictures. We still have a little snow on the ground. But the good news is, the biting bugs will replace it once it gets warm enough for everything to melt. I miss Spring!


    1. On our third day of grayness here, but I can’t imagine still having snow on the ground. Ugh!

      Keep your fly swatter at the ready and prepare for warmth–it has to be coming. Right?!


      1. I’ve been pelting gnats against the loft windows for the past two weeks. It’s still too cold inside to survive the day without a sweater, but the damn gnats are thriving. Yep…warmth has to come. Sometime. I hope. ❤


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