One of Those Days

Byron and Ramiro, by John Sonsini, 2008

Byron and Ramiro, by John Sonsini, 2008

Yesterday was just another one of those days.  You know the ones. Where you sit in kiddo’s specialologist’s office and they’re telling you news you don’t want to hear and their voice gets all tinny and small and you feel all tinny and small but part of your brain Must Keep Up Appearances so it engages your mouth and you try to sound like a Reasonable Adult Human Being by asking the right questions and taking notes as they tell you about two other specialologists that must now be added to The List of necessary ologists for said kiddo even though their words feel like a spray of pellets shooting holes in your tin self. Yeah, one of those days.

I haven’t actually read any news articles or watched any clips since leaving for the doctor yesterday.  This morning I scanned the headlines, and I didn’t miss much. Just another day with this administration, apparently gearing up to declare war on Iran, Mexico, China, and Australia (?!).  And, needless to say, continuing the war on the American People, specifically Democrats, women, people of color, Muslims, the wrong types of Christians, children, those who live in poverty, unions and union members, and anyone who mistakenly thinks Holocaust Remembrance Day and Black History Month aren’t about our Fearless Tweeter.  Did I miss anyone? I’m sure I did.

The other day I blogged about us, who “us” is, and the need to stop pretending that the supporters of our administration and these new policies aren’t part of us.  Indulge me today, while I talk about the GOP for the same reasons, just for a second. They aren’t going to save me, you, or anyone other than their own hides and bank accounts. Reasonable Republicans.  I believe that used to be a thing, much as I might have disagreed with them.  Now they don’t exist, not those in office, anyway.  Sure, a few make some noises here and there, statements mumbling disagreement, but ultimately, they’re staying right in line with our everything old is new again White Supremacist sanctioned policies.  Noises and mumbles don’t amount to more than a fart in a breeze when two of the horrific Cabinet picks were forced through despite the Democratic Senators’ boycott.  When there’s any one of them willing to support that horrific choice for Secretary of Education.  Thinkofthechildren my eye. When they ignore shady ties to Russia to clear Tillerson. When they support a well documented racist for Attorney General. When they quietly allow the firing of an acting Attorney General for putting the People and the Constitution above the administration. When they don’t say a word about the many active conflicts of interest. When suddenly Putin is someone to be admired, a role model. When legal and peaceful dissent and freedom of the press are overtly threatened.

What’s already occurred and occurring is horrific. I don’t have to read every word of every article every day to know this.  But I don’t get to ignore what’s going on in the country and world around me.  We may want to pretend we can just keep our heads down and it won’t effect us, but it does and will, in ways large and small.  Like imported goods being taxed so high we can’t afford fresh fruits and vegetables. Like losing healthcare. Like losing doctors to bans and deportations. Like losing research scientists for the same reasons. Like losing public schools. Like losing special education rights completely. Like more job losses because of hiring freezes, tech companies going to friendlier countries.  Like losing the right to practice whatever religion you choose. Or not. Like losing the right to vote because of increased gerrymandering. Like losing the right to choose, including situations of rape, the mother’s life at risk, and non-viable pregnancies.  Like losing the gains made in legalizing medical marijuana.  Like losing LGBTQ rights. Like losing all of our damned Allies in the world we share because they’ve been insulted and dismissed.  These are just a few of the very real, potential losses for all of us, without even looking at the more dramatic and yet suddenly also possible scenarios. The only question we have now is will this shitshow result in disaster or complete annihilation.

So, stop. Stop waiting for these imaginary ethical Republican senators and congresspeople to step up. I used to believe the next specialologist would have The Answer, maybe even The Solution, to my girl’s ever-increasing medical needs, but it became necessary to face reality and stop getting my hopes too high.  Still necessary to treat each issue as it arises, even necessary to hold a bit of hope in my back pocket, but for the sake of sanity and reasonable functioning, blind faith that everything will be ok and will go back to “normal” shortly is foolish.  As foolish as expecting the GOP to step up, or thinking our country hasn’t been fundamentally, irrevocably damaged.


  1. Oh Mrs Fringe, I’m so sorry about your kid and all of those ologists and scary news and no guarantees. (((hugs)))

    This post of yours was a punch to my gut, which is already squishy and wanky from the never-ending onslaught of the last what . . .ten days? But as much as I want to dig a deep hole and crawl down in there (not exaggerating, btw), I won’t do it. I can’t allow myself to sit in my little house feeling all complacent as the world incinerates around me, speaking of which, what did I hear, just today? “When my neighbor’s house burns, my house burns.”

    Yep. You are correct, Mrs F., our communal house is on fire, and very few in congress are stepping up to put it out and meanwhile, there’s a nut in the Oval Office flicking burning matches here and there and everywhere as he spouts the most insane crap I have ever heard. Again, not exaggerating. The guy is loony tunes.

    And this country just handed him a lighter and a fuse.

    So yeah, sound that alarm. Sound it loud and clear because we the people (the stupid idiotic people who voted for him, or didn’t vote for Hillary, or failed to vote at all) are running out of time. Anyone in office supporting that man needs to hear that WE WILL VOTE THEM OUT. And those in office who know how crazy the man is need to hear that WE DEMAND THEY DO THEIR JOB: which is to protect and defend the constitution from maniacs with matches.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that, “When my neighbor’s house burns, my house burns.” It’s perfect, just sums up everything. I think we have to not get caught in guilt traps of feeling (or even being told, we have plenty of loons on our side of the aisle too) if we aren’t doing everything, we’re doing nothing. But damn, we have to be aware, and do something.
      Thank you ❤


  2. Oh how I dislike such appointments with the so called specialists as my mind seems to be frozen thoughts don’t come forth and I find myself in the car on the way home thinking of things I should have asked and didn’t

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