Fun with the Internet

Mrs Fringe is experiencing technical difficulties.  (Pause for long, obnoxious beep)

A friend sent something to the email connected to this acct.  I tried to get into the email, but realized I couldn’t remember the password, or where I wrote it down.  Yah, yah, terrible.  I tried changing the password, and the little auto reply said it would take 3-5 days.

Fine, I set up a new email, changed my email here on wordpress, asked my friend to resend. This morning, I find the change didn’t go through? get saved? here on wordpress, but I had received a reply about how to change the password for the first email.  Fine.

Except, following the instructions for that email puts me into a cyber loop. Go here_____, verify, verify again, click the link for an email to be sent to your recovery email. Recovery email: Go here_____, verify, verify again, click the link for an email to be sent to your recovery email. Recovery email: Go here_____, verify, verify again, click the link for an email to be sent to your recovery email. Recovery email: Go here_____, verify, verify again, click the link for an email to be sent to your recovery email.

"Bang Head here"

“Bang Head here” (Photo credit: unwiederbringlichbegangenes)




  1. :sigh: Maybe have her send a letter? ^.^ Lately, I have been thinking…are we really better off with all these tech-e toys? I love and hate them so much! Kinda like zoanthids. 🙂


  2. Can I borrow that “bang head here” thought?? While you were sorting out your fun computer thing, I was updating our AV program on the laptop my 15yr old uses. I would use a little nickname like you do, but my brain won’t supply a family friendly one for him at the moment. >:/ See, the PC was updated 3mo ago… and the laptop should have been too… and 15yr old wonder child has been x-ing out the screen telling him to update the system every time he boots up for three months now! This is the child who wants to specialize in computers the rest of his life? Yeah, I had fun running systems updates, cleaning out malware and reinstalling the whole damn Norton program (twice!) Grrrrrr. *rant over*


  3. Sure, you can borrow anything you need! 😉 Though I confess, it’s Man Child who lectures me about not running updates frequently enough. That’s why I ❤ my Mac, no spy/mal ware required. 😉


  4. I just had the same experience! Well, similar anyway. But I believe someone hacked my account at a Starbucks. His name was Ahmet, and I know this because the little greeting at the top of my e-mail page said, “Hello, Ahmet!” just before it went down. Had to do the malware and spyware things too. I didn’t trust those notifications I was getting, so I went to the live chat assistance. They had me up and running again in no time. Thank you, Yahoo. And bite me, Ahmet.


    1. How odd! I admit to loving my (admittedly ancient) Mac because I can skip the malware, and rarely have these types of problems.

      PS: The guy who runs my favorite fruit stand is named Ahmet. 😀


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