Light at the End of the Tunnel

Unfortunately, our nation has jumped onto the tracks, and it seems we’ll be chunky pudding for the rats before that light helps us find our way.

I know I’m supposed to be positive and forward thinking, visualizing the world I want to live in, but I’m too busy gaping at the world I do live in. Every damned day feels like an assault, every news cycle (what are they, 11 seconds long now?) an emetic. Why does it feel this way? Because it is. An assault on our nation’s norms and values, an assault on our government, an assault on what could have been our future, an assault on the earth, an assault against people of color, and every day, new assaults against women–our rights, our autonomy, our bodies.  I didn’t participate in the #metoo campaign (on Twitter and Facebook) nor the #meat14. For some it made them feel empowered, more connected to share their stories and show the world exactly how widespread the issues of harassment and assault against women are. I know the stats, I know the stories, I know exactly how insidious and pervasive misogyny is. As long as we allow women to drive, keep their heads uncovered, and say that rape and assault are illegal, the powers that be can continue feeling superior to those other cultures. You know what else I know? This is a surprise to exactly no one, and is considered acceptable in our country.

Yes, that isn’t a typo, I said acceptable. Not to all, but to many. Too many. So acceptable that millions of citizens in the US decided to vote for a man accused of sexual assault multiple times by multiple women over many years– a man who we all heard discussing women as nothing more than toys and acquisitions in the basest possible terminology, bragging about predatory behavior, we heard this before the election–and still millions voted for him. Currently, Ray Moore is running for a Senate seat in Alabama. Ray Moore, such a fine and upstanding conservative with fine American values, well documented as saying homosexuality should be illegal, stating that there are communities in the US under Sharia law (I’d love to know exactly where), supporting transgender discrimination, and the old favorite of claiming Barack Obama isn’t an American citizen. Yes, that fine American was recently accused of preying on a 14 year old girl when he was a District Attorney in his thirties. And now more accusations from more women who say he molested/attempted to molest them when they were teenagers.

Am I shocked? Nope. Is there any woman in America who is shocked? I doubt it. So what’s the problem, you ask. The problem is there are still people supporting him, despite these now public and well supported allegations. Still elected officials supporting him. What’s a little molestation when tax cuts are within reach, right? And of course, we all know how 14 year old girls can be,nudgenudgewinkwink, it isn’t like anyone should reasonably expect an adult man to be an adult and keep his paws to himself.  There are not only constituents but elected officials literally saying they prefer an accused pedophile to a Democrat. His Democratic opponent, by the way, is Doug Jones. Jones is an attorney, and when he was a prosecutor, he successfully convicted 2 of the 4 Klu Klux Klan members responsible for the 1963 16th Street Church bombing. Such a moral dilemma there, eh?

Last night I watched an interview with another woman accusing Moore of having preyed on her as a teen. She was specific and credible, and made sure to say this had nothing to do with politics–she and her husband are Republicans who voted for Trump. My heart hurts for that young girl trapped in a car with a grown, predatory man, and for the woman who carries those memories and fears decades later. (Because that shit doesn’t go away.) But my heart hurts for all of us. My fear grows daily for all of us. This woman may believe she is rising above politics to speak up against a Republican politician, but apparently she was just fine with another accused predator sitting in the White House, because why? Because it wasn’t her? Or because fear and hatred of women, girls, and women’s sexuality is so ingrained in our culture that we don’t even know to protect each other?

Now, today, the number of credible accusers against Moore has grown to five, I believe. I guess five is the magic number for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. McConnell has stopped snickering, and they are finally calling for him to step down from the Senate race. The governor of Alabama is apparently experiencing no such conflicts, and she is still saying she will vote for him. The Alabama State Auditor even twisted this into a neat bible story, babbling that this makes Moore just like Joseph, and the violated 14 year old girl is just like Mary. Can’t wait to see the episode of Veggie Tales that covers this.

This should all do wonders for the safety of women and girls nationwide, don’t you think? That we have an administration in the White House and elected officials nationwide who place the value of tax cuts for the uber-wealthy, ability to appoint backwards and unqualified persons for federal judgeships, and of course the rights of men to put their hands wherever and however they damn well please over the rights and safety of women.

So, be positive, celebrate that we’re turning over rocks and all these abusive, predatory, powerful and corrupt men are coming to light? Excuse my pragmatism (yeah, I know, you can call it cynicism) but I’ve heard this before, when everyone talked about how wonderful it was that ubiquitous video phones and the internet were allowing us to see the racism living in the nooks and crannies of our country. The sunlight didn’t kill it. The light allowed that shit to photosynthesize into a rooted, giant weed controlling all branches of our government with racism, bigotry, and misogyny.

I’m fucking traumatized.



  1. oh man.

    It’s a litany. I’d call it “SSDD” except for the fact that this constant onslaught is eroding our country’s foundation at an accelerated rate: destroying our land, water, air, and wildlife; scouring human rights and human dignity; inciting hate and removing protections for the most vulnerable among us…

    It’s really quite remarkable that so many Americans continue to tread a path that so clearly leads to ruin. Meanwhile, the powers that be would rather give tax cuts to the rich and billions to the military than uphold the Constitution and all it stands for; would rather hide their heads in the sand than speak out against that dangerous buffoon and his minions and hangers-on; would rather cover their own asses than stand tall and do the jobs they were hired to do. I take solace in the fact that pendulums swing. No doubt, we’ll see this country move away from all things Trump. In fact, I think its already happening, albeit slowly. And that’s the problem.

    We’re running out of time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m reading about the current iteration of the tax bill and I’m not so sure the pendulum is swinging the other way quite yet. We need more Republicans unwilling to harm themselves, others, and to stop spitting in the face of our democratic norms, first. So far, I’m not seeing a whole lot of higher order thinking–or logic–from the GOP supporters.


  2. Again, in total agreement with you, Mrs. Fringe.
    As tough as it is I still feel that we are living a deep revolution. One that I had never experienced myself, too young to have lived the changes of the 60s and early 70s.
    As a side note, I would add that violence against women, patriarchy, and misogyny are not the exclusivity of the U.S.A. France is currently going under an intense campaign similar to #metoo. And other countries are denouncing similar unacceptable male behavior.
    Sadly, the opponent of the current American president is married to a former president also accused of sexual harrassment and more. I know of some people who couldn’t vote for her because of that. I still did, but not lightly.
    She is not him and she would have been a much better choice, but where was she when women stood up and spoke?
    We need to be together when facing violence against us. And we need men too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really hope so, re a revolution. This isn’t all bc of 45. He’s sanctioned it, grown it, but it’s been here all along, and spreading over the past 30 years. And you’re right, re the rise of misogyny not being limited to the US. Hateful extremists have been making their voices heard throughout the world, unfortunately.
      Also agree re HC. These issues are not limited to one party, and they harm all of us.

      Liked by 1 person

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