Not All Beach Days are Perfect

But somehow, all perfect days include the beach.  Today was one of those days, and the first officially unofficial beach day of the season for us.  Must be summer! Warning:  photo intensive post ahead.

This morning I charged the camera, Husband, Art Child and I threw towels and waters in the car, left our sleeping and completely-uninterested-in-all-things-beachy Nerd Child behind, and got on the highway.

Getting excited as we leave the city.

Getting excited as we leave the city.

Lucky souls sailing down the Hudson River.

Lucky souls sailing down the Hudson River.

Yes, that Asbury Park--and I was Born to Run.

Yes, that Asbury Park–and I was Born to Run.

Pfft, no umbrellas required.

Pfft, no umbrellas required.

Wouldn't be me without some macros thrown in.

Wouldn’t be me without some macros thrown in.

The water is still cold, but I couldn't believe how clear and lovely it was.

The water is still cold, but I couldn’t believe how clear and lovely it was.

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Something about this one, I like it.

Something about this one, I like it.

I hadn’t been to Asbury Park since, well, a long, long time ago.  The beach and water isn’t just cleaner than it used to be, it’s clean.  And beautiful.  One of my beach obsessions involves the critters that live in the sand. Funny how one roach in the hallway will send me on a three-day scrubbing and freak out spree, culminating in 50 Combat traps, but I’m fascinated by the creepy crawlies in and around the ocean.

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We didn’t stay too long.  First day out, why ruin it with sunburn? So we packed up and walked along the boardwalk for a bit.

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Homeward bound.

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Ok, even I’ll admit these grains of sand are getting mighty uncomfortable.


  1. mr kk and I just spent an enjoyable fifteen minutes at the beach, complements of you. The water is lovely, we could almost smell the salty air. Ahhh. You are lucky to be so close

    Thank you, mrs fringe. And btw, that little libary 🙂 is adorable.

    xoxo kk

    Liked by 1 person

      1. First, yeah I called it “library”. Must have Cherry-on-da-brain. Second, actually, I do believe you could live further from the beach, mrs fringe.


        Funny you mentioned that, mr kk was wondering last night, Where’s a beach in NYC? You guys had to drive how far to get there?

        Regardless, glad you guys had a nice time yesterday. Makes days like today a little easier to swallow.

        xo kk


        1. Nope, physically impossible for me to live far from a beach, I’m certain my cells would begin spontaneously imploding. I barely make it through the long, long, long winters. 😛

          Tell mr kk there are beaches in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx, so I do need to leave Manhattan, but I can be at the Brooklyn beach in about an hour on the train, if we drove it would be about 45 minutes. Yesterday we drove to one of the Jersey Shore beaches, about an hour and twenty minutes away. There are NJ beaches 15-20 minutes closer, but this one was so nice, I think it was worth the extra time–and so did Husband. ❤


          1. I called it l-I-b-a-r-y. Auto-fix is making me look like an idiot.


            Now that THAT’s off my chest. . .

            Thank you for explaining about your proximity to beaches. I thought for sure you were closer but thinking about Manhattan now, I guess there wouldn’t be a lot of beaches there. More like river walks and stuff, I would guess. So, a pretty good ride for you guys to get to even the closest ones, but worth it. The beach always is. That one you went to yesterday is really, really nice. Are the umbrellas and beach chairs free? I mean, relatively speaking. I know you pay to get on the beach. The only time I’ve ever had to do that was just recently, on S. Padre. But a really nice beach, nice and clean, not a lot of people there at all.

            Okay, I shall not usurp this blog post any longer. Except to tell you again, thank you for taking the time and efforts to share those lovely photographs with your fringlings. On a day like today here in MI, cloudy, rain threatening, it’s nice to lose yourself for a little while. . .

            xo kk


          2. If it makes you feel better, I assumed autocorrect had fixed it. I also assumed you spelled it l-i-b-e-r-r-y.

            I’m pretty sure the chairs and umbrellas are not free, not sure how much the rental fees are.

            Thank YOU for looking, reading, and joining in. Maybe keep your rain to yourself this time, though, ok? 😉


    1. Blah, I just knew I’d break the internet with so many photos. 😉 The water was cold. Still too cold for me to swim in it, but ankle deep with the occasional wave was delicious. 😀 In New Jersey, there’s a fee to go onto the beach, pay your fee and get a “badge” for the day.


        1. No, I use the size it uploads automatically. Generally I don’t post so many at once, I do think that’s likely the problem. There’s no fee for the beach in Brooklyn, where we go more frequently. It really depends where you are, some you pay, some you don’t. It took me a long time to get over my resentment at having to pay to walk onto a public beach! On the bright side, I’ve given you an idea for a post–funny where those can come from 😀 ❤


          1. No, nine or whatever it is, is not a lot. I’ve just come from a blog where he normally loads a lot. And I mean A LOT. Rarely less than double figures, and verging towards 100 on occasion.

            You get a choice for upload size though. You can use actual or Large, as well as medium and thumbnail. I used to downsize mine to 1000 or less when I used the computer, I just stick to large or thumbnail mostly now using the iPad. I tried again and same prob. 😦

            I hope Europe doesn’t snaffle that income generation idea to cure all financial woes. Mind you, would certainly help Spain. Andalucía would be rolling in euros in summer.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Eek! Nine is the number of photos I uploaded first and directly, but then there are three slideshows, each with 9 or 10 photos, in the same post. Hmm. I’m going to have to find out if others aren’t seeing all of the photos. Next time I will try changing the setting to large, I’m pretty sure I’ve been using actual.
            I definitely hope Europe doesn’t take cues from our pay to play beaches–when will my lippy self learn? 😉 It always feels wrong to hand over money to walk onto a public beach.


          3. I’m sorry to hear this. I think I’ll use a mosaic instead of the slideshows next time. The photos should be fun, not frustration. *andmrsfringelearns2internet*


          4. When I’ve used slideshow I’ve only ever put one up, and prob somewhere between five and ten pix. Not used it for ages, but one disadvantage was, it used to incorporate any other photos on the post too, which was silly. They might have changed that, although it would be unlike WP to introduce a functional helpful change 😉

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          5. lol, I haven’t had WP incorporate any additional photos into a post–so I can say score 1 for WP. 🙂 Of course, it’d be even better if the feature worked smoothly for everyone 😉


  2. ASBURY PARK!! Seeing this makes me a teensy bit homesick (or very much beach sick, anyway). I didn’t know they had a free library there, that’s awesome! They’re just cropping up all over the place, aren’t they?

    Protip: Season beach badges are super cheap when they first go on sale around Christmas. There are also (or were, depending on the beach; I was a badge checker in Manasquan one summer during college) weekend passes, so you can get a two day badge for X amount.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was thinking of you when I posted this, Jen. 🙂 I’ve heard talk of the free little libraries, but this is the first time I’ve seen one, so cute! Good to know about the season beach passes, I wouldn’t generally have reason to be in that part of NJ outside of beach season, but it could be worth the trip, thanks! ❤


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