Shhh, I’m Hiding

This is Mrs Fringe, a little out of focus, sticking close to my hiding spot under a rock.

This is Mrs Fringe, a little out of focus, sticking close to my hiding spot under a rock.

Hello, Fringelings!  I hope all are well.  I’ve been sniveling so it seemed prudent to remain quiet.  Not much to say, really.  I’m lying low, pain, a gala of self-pity.  In order to keep myself occupied, I’ve been researching college options for Nerd Child. A fun and exciting time, right?  I have to say, after 8000 rounds of school admissions for each child at every school entry point, this isn’t as much fun as it used to be. Honestly, this whole multiple fractures gig is quite a nuisance.  Next time I’m going to opt for door number 2, maybe a 72 hour stomach virus.

Nope, haven’t done any writing, but the longer my arm is casted, the more my ideas for that short story are being pushed aside in favor of horror stories that involve rotting flesh.  Move over, Stephen King, Mrs Fringe has owies just begging to be fictionalized.

Two days ago I thought hey, I’m doing a little better, I think I’ve turned a corner.  Yesterday I had to go back to the orthopedist to be checked.  Hah! Sure I’m doing better if I don’t move, but by the time I returned home from a couple of hours of new X-rays, limping down hospital corridors, and being asked if “this hurts” I was ready to forcibly remove the jawfish from his tunnel and claim his residence.  Someone do a water change once in a while, ok?  In any case, the ortho now wants me to start non weight bearing physical and occupational therapy.  I have no clue what this will entail, but if it’s going to put me further along the path to recovery, I’m all for it. So I thought, until I got a phone call from the PT office to set up an appointment.

I know I’m cranky, and I know not everyone has a strict budget, but really, wtf?  I’m moving slow, no matter what I have to get the girl to and from school, and I’m having to take cabs because going up and down the subway steps is still out of the question. The coordinator from the ortho’s office assured me she would let them know I needed PT and OT scheduled together.

The PT clinic has other ideas.  I told the woman clearly, I have a budget and time constraints, so no, I can’t schedule PT and OT for different days, leaving me to get back and forth across town every day of the week–not to mention an additional co-pay every time I go. She offered me a PT appointment for this morning.  Fine, let’s get this started. Then she offered me an OT appointment for Thursday, exactly when I have to pick Art Child up from school.  No can do. She recommended I hire someone to take Art Child back and forth from school for the duration of my recovery.  If I were a different sort of woman, I’d have been flabbergasted.  Being me, I was pissed. I was watching the tank while I was on the phone, and the jawfish must have heard my thoughts, because he dove back into his hole and spit sand at me from the entryway. From a fresh perspective this morning, it’s a good thing I was still in a daze of pain from the morning’s appointments when she called, or I likely would have said some things that would have led to me needing to find a different clinic.

It occurs to me I don’t own sneakers that are real umm, sneakers.  Hopefully, since I won’t be running or doing anything with weights, or, yanno, standing, barefoot will be ok.

I think I’ll just keep losing myself in watching the reef.

skunk cleaner shrimp

skunk cleaner shrimp

anemone, still waiting for the clowns to discover him

anemone, still waiting for the clowns to discover him

bird's nest coral, growing fast

bird’s nest coral, growing fast

setosa coral, happy polyps extended

setosa coral, happy polyps extended

Queen of the tank

Queen of the tank

Acan, two new heads

Acan, two new heads



The jawfish venturing out of his hiding spot

The jawfish venturing out of his hiding spot

Fire shrimp

Fire shrimp


  1. I am so so glad I’m not you at the moment. You poor thing. I hope someone is looking after you. Now I’ve given myself a stern warning to cease and desist from moaning about the rigours of Hot Yoga!


    1. Look at you go! Not just yoga, but hot yoga now–moaning is definitely allowed 😀 I’m taking it as easy as I can, evidenced by the mountain of laundry and receipts from ordering in dinners 😉

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  2. I think pain drugs would have been MORE likely to let me tell that scheduler where she could stick her “advice.” Wow…just…wow. ❤ Mrs F. You're more zen than I could ever be.

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  3. Poor thing. Not only are you laid out flat with multiple fractures, but you also can’t even hire 24-hour live-in help to perform your minuscule daily tasks as you rest in comfort on your 16th century chaise longue? It must have been quite the effort for the woman who asked such a thing to find her way out of her silk and lave la perla dressing gown and have her personal driver battle traffic so she could be there to give you such a worthy suggestion. She’ll undoubtedly need a spa day after almost suffering your wrath.

    What a bitch. Once you’ve healed, you and man child should wait outside in an alley for her one day and perform the Jet dance from West Side Story just as a warning.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. bwahahaha! ❤ I think you just made me stain my chaise–maybe even the dressing gown 😮 A day later I still don't know what to make of the conversation. Husband says I should also send the live-in to do the PT for me, avoid that pesky pain and effort thing. Let me go ahead and start memorizing the choreography you suggested. 😉

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    2. That really was supposed to say “lace”, not “lave”. I seriously doubt la perla offers a wash ‘n wear dressing gown option.

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  4. “Just hire somebody?” That’s where my head would’ve spun around and I would’ve spit acid, not just pea soup. God, so frustrating. You can hide all you want, to me it’s understandable. Glad to hear you’re mending.


  5. Some people are clueless, mrs fringe. Screw her. Not literally, of course.

    That would be ‘skewer.’


    I can so relate to what you are going through. I keep thinking of those long, awful weeks stretching into months, the pain and exhaustion, and everything was so hard to do. Then the PT and all that, just pain in the ass stuff, seemingly without end. . .

    But it does end. You’re gonna get better. Look back a month from now and you’ll see it. By June 1st, hell. Who can say? You may be dancing down Broadway by then. June. Summertime, I know you love and best of all, no snow, no ice unless it’s in your beer, or your tea.

    xoxo kk


    1. I just want to say, skewer is an excellent word. 😀 Thanks for the empathy and the reminder that this will end, and soon enough I’ll be on the beach, maybe even with a beer in hand.


  6. So sorry to read about all the PT things. It doesn’t change your pain but I get you since I’ve bene through a rough year a while back. Your aquarium is gogeous and I hope such beauty helps a little. Take care. Cheers to a better health.


    1. Thank you, Evelyn. Unfortunate but true, so many can relate. Accidents happen to all of us. ❤ It may or may not make sense, but the beauty and life in the tank makes a big difference, offers peace every time I look into it. 🙂

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