All the Cool Kids Are Doing It

pole dance studio

pole dance studio (Photo credit: wwphotos)

But I’m not talking about pole dancing.   I’ve seen several interesting blog posts recently discussing blogging, inviting readers to talk about who they are, why they blog, what their blogs focus on.  Maybe WordPress threw the idea out there, offered a challenge, I don’t know.  It’s Sunday morning and the beasts woke me up too early so I’ll jump on the bandwagon, too tired to be clever on my own.  Because in a way, blogging isn’t so different from pole dancing.  “Look at me, check out this nifty spin, ooh, Mister, would you throw a dollar my way–I’ll give you a peek under another layer.”

There was a recent discussion on the writer’s forum about blogging.  The profitability or lack thereof, return on investment, etc.  I think the conclusion was that author’s blogs aren’t worth (financially) the time and work required to keep them going.  I didn’t participate in the discussion, but I read, and I’m thinking about it.  I don’t blog because I’m an author, I’m not selling anything.  No book being hawked, no freelancing.  Sure, if I ever sell a book I’ll post about it, add a link so the curious and flush can purchase it.

Buy More Stuff, Black Friday 2008

Buy More Stuff, Black Friday 2008 (Photo credit: Michael Holden)

A lot of writers, published and unpublished, also run blogs.  Many of them blog about writing.  How to.  I have to admit, I find the vast majority of writing blogs boring.  Is that awful to put into the foreverness that is the internet?  Sorry.  Doesn’t mean they’re bad.  It’s subjective, after all (my favorite song).  Maybe I’m delusional, but I don’t think I need to read 8000 regurgitated versions of THE FIRST FIVE PAGES, ON WRITING,  or THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE.   I own all three, have read them, reread them, dissected them many times.

I follow several writer’s blogs but most are talking about more than writing.  They’re fun or touching or snarky, discuss a personal journey, or downright silly.  They represent the person blogging. To me, that’s what blogging is, personal.  I also follow a few agent/editor’s blogs–those are different, meant to inform by those who actually know what they’re talking about–and still, good reads that offer a sense of who the individual is.  Or at least the persona fronting the blog.

Mrs Fringe is not only not a writing blog, I don’t consider it an “author’s blog.”  I’m a blogger who also writes fiction.  When the coffee grounds appear in just the right pattern and I’m offered a contract I don’t expect I’ll sell 750,000 copies as a result of this blog.  I’m pretty sure that’s about what I’d need to sell to in order to say the hours spent on blogging (writing posts, responding to comments, reading other people’s posts and commenting on theirs) were monetarily worth it.

But I don’t blog as a marketing tool.  I blog because it’s fun, it’s a release, I’ve made and continue to make fabulous connections with other bloggers–many of whom have nothing to do with the world of writing or publishing.  And when I think about it, I don’t consider my time here in Fringeland as time I should be spending working on my fiction or wasted words.  It’s rejuvenating.  And when I am spending a lot of hours writing, I don’t spend a lot of hours on blogging.

If I’m on the pole it’s at home in my raggedy old yoga pants, no dollars in sight.  Of course I hope that somehow, some way, the time spent blogging will provide a boost to my yet-to-be-established writing career.  But that isn’t why I do it.

What about you?  Do you blog for professional reasons?  Marketing?  Display your art?  The opportunity to make connections?  Be positive?  Spread the Word?  The chance to anonymously scream out all the suckage in your life?  And if you aren’t a blogger, but you’re a reader of blogs, what draws you in and keeps you coming back?

Blog Machine

Blog Machine (Photo credit: digitalrob70)

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  1. why must you always make me think? i am tired 😛 I have several blogs STARTED lol. It is time consuming! I had good intentions. One started because my friends insisted ( it was about visits to my parents) Another one I started was for work. I was going to use it to get a new job. I got bored fast, I think I posted twice. Then there was the one I was only going to post happy thoughts. I really had good intentions (no REALLY) That lasted the longest. Then I probably cursed while doing it and got pissed off. I am often told to start a cooking blog. I really should get back to writing about visits with my mom. I am so happy I wrote a few of those down. I cherish the ones I have, even though she drives me nuts. I am glad you blog! I really enjoy reading yours and love when you take pictures.


    1. It’s my job to nudge you. :p

      I’d love to see you blog, maybe a life and cooking medley. I have to agree, I would have gotten bored if Mrs Fringe was only ONE topic. Besides, I don’t have that much to say about any one thing. 😉

      Thank you, I love reading your comments. ❤


  2. I have a little blog, mrs fringe, I started it because I thought I should get out of my comfort zone, push forward, onward, upward or backward. It’s been inspiring and cathartic and it’s taken me hither and sometimes, back toward yon. I met some people I wouldn’t otherwise have had the honor of meeting, read some other folks’ blogs, including this one, one of my absolute favorites.

    I’ve shared art and heartbreak and every little in between. I’ve written in the wee hours of the morning and in the waning afternoon light. Wrote whilst sitting in my little blue room, and on my bed hunched over my laptop and sitting on the living room floor like I am right now, looking out my bay window at the snowy suburban scene. I can see my avacodo tree and my sweet little kitty, curled up on our rocking chair.

    Sometimes the words come easy and sometimes, they come hard. But I’m glad I have this venue, so glad I have this opportunity to share my thoughts with you.

    Thanks for asking.

    xo kk


    1. I want to write something poetic, to honor the honesty and beauty of this comment. But all I can say is I adore you. You and your kitty and your little blog.

      Mrs F


  3. I blog to hopefully share my passions, practice writing (I’m not a trained writer but I love writing), connect with lovelies like you, express my opinions, etc. I find it energizing (spelled with a zed not a zee because I’m Canadian) and I read blogs because I learn about people and different points of view and that’s important to me because I love people and community and want to understand and be understood and… ok I’ll stop now…

    oh wait. I forgot. I have another blog that is my professional blog. I share resources there in the hopes of gaining clients. We’ll see how that turns out…


    1. I think you’ve hit on something, Diana–in terms of the more informal, personal blogs. There seem to be two camps, those who find it energizing and those who find it draining. Guess which ones keep going? 😉

      And yes, the people behind the pages are everything.
      🙂 ❤


  4. I think of blogging as a personal tool, mostly. I get on my blog, be it my writing one or my dog one, and chatter on about a topic. Sometimes I’ll champion a cause. I’d love to make money, sure, but that isn’t the reason I started either blog. I started them to write on topics which interest me, and to perhaps connect with people as a result. For me, that makes it “worth it”.


  5. I really do think that whatever you do, you should enjoy. I like blogging simply because it is a way to explore some funny ideas, tell a story or work out some frustrations. I use a lot of humor because if I didn’t laugh, I would cry sometimes. So I choose laughter every time! I enjoyed reading yours!


  6. Hi there,
    I enjoyed reading your post and as you know I have two blogs for two very different purposes. I don’t blog for professional reasons in either one and neither blog is a platform for marketing. One blog is a blogging tips blog and the other is my personal blog. I blog without obligation in both blogs.

    I love reading and I read a large number of blogs on a wide variety of subjects in different niches.I like to feel there’s a real person behind the words with their own unique experience and vision of life. Blogging has helped me become more communicative online but I’m an introvert and I’m not witty so I find commenting difficult.


    1. Hi TT!
      You are an amazing, generous person who has helped and continues to help so many with your blogs. 🙂

      “Without obligation” is a beautiful thing, isn’t it? IMO, it encourages and preserves honesty. ❤

      And there's definitely light humor to be found threaded through This Time This Space.


  7. Good post Mrs and I’m with you on the writing blog scenario. I like to read words that – make me smile, make me nod (shared experience), gasp (hopefully not shared) and be left with something to think about.

    Yes it is time consuming – I could have written a book! But like you say, there’s a release in it. I enjoy being Mrs Carmichael 🙂 and always look forward to your comments.

    I agree with Susan re your photos (it let’s me through your portal)


    1. Thanks Mrs C!

      I think we have similar ideas and goals for our blogs, yours being more visual with amazing photos 😀

      I’m rereading your comment and realizing the blogs I return to, connect with, are the ones that give me the same feelings as a good novel–a giggle, a tug on the heartstrings, a connection.

      Thank you, as always!


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