A Helluva Town

You know those times when you want to reach out, connect, but you don’t feel like talking?

Yeah.  So I’m doing a NY themed photo post today.  Yes, that’s right, more crappy photos for your viewing pleasure.  Try to contain your excitement.




  1. So New York!

    I love NY (seriously). The only thing missing in that post is the smell. 😉 The photo at the end of the stairs bring me back to why my shoes get black and why I don’t want to walk barefoot in NYC.


    1. Ooh, yeah. You never want to walk barefoot in NY, lol.
      There are many fabulous aspects to this city, but it’s a hard place to raise a family without major $$$.


  2. do you enjoy torturing me, mrs fringe? you know I have issues with blog pix and yet you continue to post your wonderful photographs, flaunting your technical know-how in my tear-stained face.



    1. I prefer to think of it as encouraging. Torture is such an ugly word. 😉
      And…wonderful? Surely you need an upgrade in your eyeglass prescription 😀

      Srsly, no way you’re more technologically challenged than I am.


  3. I have just put a pizza in the oven for my lunch no it’s not a frozen pizza I bought it from the local bakery just thought I shared it with you………………..all in all I like this post


  4. That pizza looks sooo good. Tell me you ate that pizza after you took the picture, otherwise that would just be WRONG.

    Wanting to connect but having no words, yeah I get it! That was my gallery post the other day. 🙂


        1. Your fringelings believe in themselves and are quite opinionated, if I do say so myself. 😛

          No, seriously, your photos evoke something and are chosen with care when you put them here, just like the rest of your images. i bet you didn’t include every photo you took and didn’t just shoot with your eyes shut at every random object you saw. They are not crappy. 😀


          1. Aww, thank you. Now I’m all warm and fuzzy. Of course, I was already hot and sweaty 😉

            My fringelings–opinionated? That’s why I love you all ❤


          2. Well, of course you do. So we won’t need your implied permission to tell you should we feel you need it, “well, Mrs F, how dare you choose your original photography to feature on your own blog. That is just entirely too amateurish and suckish.”


  5. Like the silhouette shot of the garbage can and guy. Saw a delivery guy two days ago on his bike, on a bumpy, dirt road, with two pizza boxes and a styrofoam container all propped on their sides in his basket…probably arrived like all call-out food here, looking like that piece-a pizza mess. One of my favorite episodes of “Northern Exposure” was when the NYC doc was getting homesick and the whole town collected all the New York films they could…why did they all have Joe Peschi in them? Is he mayor? Can he deal with Wiener? Can anyone?


      1. Peschi Spitzer Wiener….that would make a good campaign slogan. If the three of them can’t take NYC back into the glory days of the 1970s, who can? Boss Tweed wasn’t so bad after all, I suppose.


          1. One reason to love Berlin…more graffiti than any city in the world. Going to have to import some Nordic supermen to straighten out the desecration of public spaces…kind of like all the German woodcarvers brought over to raise the tone of the joint in the first place. A friend in Cleve Land does nothing but pics of graffiti, broken windows, rusting bridges, and long-dead, crumbling factories. He’s very popular. Must have some resonance. Ready for a Grace Paley comeback?


          2. Link to your friend’s work? I love photos of urban decay, so many stories in there, so moving.

            Yes! We could use a resurgence of Paley’s work.


          3. His link is missing. He squats a lot, in the same buildings…screams at people about global warming and eats all the free day-old doughnuts and drinks watery coffee at St. Malachi’s every morning. If his name wasn’t Claude Greer he could have had a part in Dickens’ “Hard Times.”


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