Clean Up Time

By tonight, this pile will have multiplied by three, at least.

By tonight, this pile will have multiplied by three, at least.

Bits of tree bags caught on the bottom branches. The bags are used to drag the trees through the hallways in the buildings.

Bits of tree bags caught on the bottom branches. The bags are used to drag the trees through the hallways in the buildings.

What happens to the trees in your area?  We’ll see these masses for a couple of weeks.  Then it slows to an occasional one.

Poor tree.

Poor tree.

You’ll still be able to spot an occasional, dried out husk of a tree in February–though those are usually brought out stealthily in the early morning hours, in the hopes that no one will know who left their tree up for so long.

For now, it makes walking the dogs at night a little hairy.  Between the work being done on the underground pipes and the piles of trees at the curbs, the rats are having a grand old time running around.  I think they like the bits left on the trees, or maybe they snack on the pine needles.  Either way, it gives me a shiver. Big Senile Dog isn’t interested in the rats, but he loves peeing on all those trees. All of them. Little Incredibly Dumb Dog is way too interested in the critters, growling and lunging. She doesn’t understand they’re tougher than she is, and I’m not at all certain BSD would get involved to save her.

I guess my biggest post holiday question is, can I eat the candy Nerd Child left behind?  So many tough decisions in motherhood.

I am writing.  Yet to get back into a steady rhythm, but forcing myself to write.  Trying to balance everything is tricky.  Oh, for a room of my own!   With good light for my tired eyes. And internet access.

How is everyone else’s year starting out?


  1. Feels like I have been in limbo waiting for it to start for weeks. Finally kids back to school tomorrow but hubby thinking about a sick day! Here’s hoping his work ethic drags him in like usual. All been Ill for what feels like years.
    A week of cleaning and party readying but tomorrow is a contemplate my navel day.
    As for the trees there is a place to take them miles away, ours used to wallow down the side of the house till Dan cut it up and sneaked it in the bin. Now it’s a plastic one in the loft.


    1. Ahh, Fay, I really hope you get your “you” day tomorrow, it’s long past time!

      LOL, I can just picture you and Dan sneaking the tree into the bin, one limb at a time 😀


    1. They turn the ones here into mulch, or chips, or something. Our sanitation department is always working hard.

      I like having a “real” tree and not having to worry about storing it, but I could see going for an artificial one if it was a hassle to get rid of. 🙂


      1. (smiling) I have a small tree. 15 minutes to put up and take down. I’ve downsized Christmas quite a bit over the years!

        I like the lights, they satisfy my need for pretty things…the way they cast a soft glow and pretty images on the wall…


  2. Ha. He left the candy, it’s fair game. 😀
    I am seeing trees thrown into the woods and over banks all over town roadside (we live in a rural area, remember.) Kinda funny. Yeah, that little pine tree just happened to fall over all by itself in the middle of those cedars and oak trees, uh huh. 😛

    Back to the grind is how it feels here. I didn’t schedule any major appointments and so on the last few weeks of December and how we have an onslaught here into March. Kids are getting hit hard this term at school- standardized tests in 2 months teachers nuts on preparing!!! You kow how I feel about those $&@% tests. Kinda tired thinking about it.

    I’ve seen all those little dumb dog pics. I’m pretty sure plenty of those rats outsize her and unless a team of them were simultaneously hauling a steak while taking her on, the big one wouldn’t make a move. 😛


    1. Maybe I’m too city, but leaving a tree in the woods doesn’t seem so bad to me (assuming it’s been deglitterized), doesn’t it then feed the earth, or something? 😉

      Ugh!! on the upcoming appointments, and standardized tests. I haven’t even looked at when the tests are this year. :0


      1. Oh, I don’t think it’s bad, I just think it’s funny seeing them in the unpopulated stretches of road… Picturing people tossing them off the back of their trucks in the dead of night to avoid having to bring them to recycling (the town mulches them.)


  3. Oh, to be a New Yorker for just ONE day! The sights and sounds I’d take in. The images would probably stay with me forever. As for my home front, it’s slow going. I still haven’t put away all the Christmas decorations.


  4. I never thought about all those trees hitting the streets. In Vegas they were out on the curbs by the end of the day on Christmas. Here I cut one from the woods and put it back into the compost pile when I’m done with it.


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