Shameless Hussy

Français : La Merveilleuse Velver Grip Nouvell...

Français : La Merveilleuse Velver Grip Nouvelle Pince Jarretelle Avec Bouton en Caoutchouc (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

that’s me.  But I’m trying to be

Cover of "The Hustler (Two-Disc Collector...

Cover via Amazon

of blogging and shameless self promotion of Mrs Fringe.

My promotional skills are much like my pool skills. I can rack em up with flair, but my break leaves much to be desired.

The question is this, if I suck at self promotion (I’m excellent at the shameless part, if I do say so myself), do I ipso facto suck at blogging?

I don’t think I suck at blogging, my readership continues to grow (albeit slowly), and it seems to me that’s half of blogging–writing stuff people enjoy (or find informative, but that isn’t Mrs Fringe) enough to come back and read again. It’s the other half. The networking, getting your name way out there, where I fizzle.

Blogging is, after all, a form of writing.  So what makes writing success? There’s the bottom line of writers write, a leap up to writers publish, paid to publish, publishing well, multi published, best seller lists, supporting oneself (and/or one’s family) from said publications…

Mrs Fringe exists because I live life on the fringe. No money, no time, few marketable skills and a desperate need to have a spot to be truthful (in a fictionalized kinda way) about said life. However, these same factors make it very difficult to do the work necessary to bring Mrs Fringe up to the next level.

Perhaps I’ll stick to being a hussy.

Hip flask tucked into a garter belt during Pro...

Hip flask tucked into a garter belt during Prohibition (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


  1. Oh, Mrs. Fringe, you don’t need to sell yourself out! 🙂 Heavens no! You don’t even need to take it the next level. Your writing stands alone. And quite frankly, that’s what keeps us coming back for more!


  2. No, you definitely don’t suck at blogging. And as for getting more readers, etc, the way to do that is to comment, comment, comment as much as you can in other people’s blogs – then they and their readers will follow you back here. It’s how I’ve grown my current blog and my previous one.

    That said – there is always room for (my own blog’s) improvement! 😉


    1. Absolutely, getting out there and participating on other blogs makes a difference. But how is it that each of my days is 83,000 hours long and yet only twenty minutes all at once? 😉


  3. You definitely don’t suck at blogging. I’ve known you for most of our daughters’ lives and in the months since you started this, I’ve seen a new side of you that I did not know before and it’s added to the depth of our friendship.

    Not sure I can help you on the promotion part since well, not even all of my existing friends know I have a blog, never mind building nests to find more. 😀 But you keep moving forward and I agree with keepingitreal, don’t sell out! This blog is *you* and we can see that.


    1. Thank you, Snap In, you’ve given me warm fuzzies on a cold day. I can say the same for you and The Voice from the Backseat, reading it roots an already deep seeded (see what I did there, lol) friendship. ❤

      I'll keep pushing forward, and trying to figure out how to grow Mrs Fringe without changing the heart. 🙂


  4. I agree with Keepingitreal. Your writing stands on its own. I think it takes a viral post to push you over the top. Keep writing, and one unsuspecting day your blog will be all the rage of the internet.


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